Sunday, April 18, 2010

What will the world BEE without BEES?

I have been hearing a lot about the decline in the bee population. Research in 23 US states and Canada and published in the Public Library of Science Journal found 121 different pesticides in 887 samples of bees, wax, pollen and other elements of hives. I also wonder what the genetically modified crops has to do with any of this, no one seems to be mentioning this aspect. Who knows how this could have affected the bees.
The reports say that there was a 29% drop in population in 2008 following a 36% decline in 2008 and a 32% drop in 2007. Under normal winter conditions it is to be expected to have a loss of about 10% in the bee population but this year the winter was exceptionally bad and there has been another 30-50% loss.
With 1/3 of the human diet requiring pollination, how will we manage to harvest food crops? Last February, there were insufficient bees to pollinate all the almonds in California. I know that last year in the area I live, we had a lot of trouble with our tomato crops. The plants grew big and beautiful but there were no tomatoes on them. I recently learned that this was because there were insufficient bees to pollinate them. It really is frightening when it shows up and makes an impact on you personally.
We need to appreciate the bees and allow them more places to exist, maybe ask local beekeepers to put some hives on your property. A world without BEES would be devastating to human existence. Everything connects to everything else even though we may not see it.

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